The Life-Changing Magic of Konstantin Kostin's Package
Konstantin Kostin Source: Instagram / @k1kostyn

The Life-Changing Magic of Konstantin Kostin's Package

Andrea Marks Joseph READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The man (and bulge) you're about to feast your eyes upon is so magnificent that the photographer who is responsible for this blessed image turned the caption into a meditation on the power of awe-inspiring beauty. Behold model Konstantin Kostin, the star of a thirst trap so majestic that its beauty touches your heart and changes the world.

"Impossible to define, yet undeniable when it touches us," photographer Attila The Hunk writes in the caption. "Beauty transforms the world, leaving me in awe."

Everything happening in this photoshoot leaves all of us in awe, too! From the classic, comfortable, chic briefs and the well-placed Nike logos, to the elegant take on Brat green, and, of course the showstopper: The bulge.

Konstantin Kostin has also been photographed in these neon Nike briefs by Erick Monterrosa, who mostly shoots nude men and photoshops underwear onto his models to comply with Instagram's rules. In this case – just like Attila The Hunk – Monterrosa felt so inspired by how good Konstantin Kostin looks in these briefs that he photographed him wearing them. Monterrosa, too, was so touched by the life-changing magic of the model's bulge in these briefs that he felt compelled to get philosophical in the caption, sharing with his audience "the epic Greek roots" for the significance of the name Nike, which "isn't just about swooshes and sneakers" but rather honors the goddess of victory.

He even placed Kostin on a literal pedestal like a Greek statue, and set the scene with a background of heavenly clouds. The goddess Nike, Monterrosa explained "was all about speed, strength, and winning (basically the ultimate sports coach)". Whichever coach is who is keeping Konstantin Kostin's body in this tremendous shape deserves an impressive mythological title of their own.

"Capturing Konstantin through my lens was one of those moments," the talented (and incredibly profound) photographer Attila The Hunk concludes, "where art and emotion merge effortlessly." In the immortal words of Gracie Abrams, that's sooo true! We genuinely and completely love to see it – and we don't just mean the bulge.

by Andrea Marks Joseph

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