TPAN Hosts Open House and Ribbon Cutting


Test Positive Aware Network (TPAN) will celebrate the opening of its new office with an open house and ribbon-cutting on Monday, June 19, at its Edgewater location, 5537 N Broadway.

The open house, which will run from 5-7:30 p.m., will feature a ribbon-cutting ceremony with U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky, TPAN CEO Patti Capouch, and Howard Brown Health's President and CEO David Ernesto Munar.

The open house coincides with TPAN's 30th anniversary. The agency was founded on June 19, 1987, by a group of HIV-positive Chicagoans looking for treatment information and medical options at the height of the AIDS epidemic.

"June 19 is a special day for TPAN, in which we honor our founders. Their bravery and self-determination in the face of a new disease are central to our work" says CEO Patti Capouch. "While our services have expanded, we continue to foster hope and self-empowerment for every individual who walks through our doors."

The event will mark the beginning of TPAN's latest partnership with Howard Brown Health-a co-located four-room primary care clinic at TPAN's office.

"TPAN has always specialized in programs and services that provide individuals with wrap-around support at one location. Clients will now be able to access their medical care on-site at TPAN," says Julie Supple, Director of Client Services. "This partnership with Howard Brown means that clients can access HIV medical care, hepatitis C treatment, STI testing and treatment, same day PrEP and PEP prescriptions, anal and cervical pap smears, and hepatitis A and B vaccinations-all at TPAN."

"Howard Brown is excited to partner with TPAN to expand affirming and sex-positive primary care available to people in the Edgewater neighborhood," said David Ernesto Munar of Howard Brown Health. "TPAN has a long history of providing excellent supportive services for people seeking HIV/hepatitis C support, and we're excited to augment their efforts with comprehensive healthcare services. Our collaborative clinic hopes to continue meeting the needs of people living with and affected by HIV across Chicago."

The clinic will begin seeing patients the week of July 3, open 3-days a week: Mondays, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m-5 p.m. The public is invited to attend. Following the ribbon-cutting, TPAN's office will be open for guided tours for the public and media.

TPAN's new home is a safe, welcoming space for those living with or vulnerable to HIV/AIDS or related illnesses. The services, groups, and friendly faces you've come to rely on are here waiting for you.

TPAN is a 501c3 Chicago-based nonprofit whose mission is to save lives and empower those affected by HIV/AIDS and related illnesses. We provide direct services and educational resources for those living with and vulnerable to HIV.

TPAN's open house will be held from 5-7:30 p.m. on June 19 at 5537 N. Broadway St., Chicago IL 60640.

For more information, visit

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