'Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage' Arrives at Hollywood Pantages Theatre


CineConcerts,�CBS Consumer Products, Paramount Pictures & The Nederlander Organization announce that�"Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage," the North American concert tour,�will play the Hollywood Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles for two nights only --�Friday, April 1�at 8 p.m.�&�Saturday, April 2�at 8 p.m.�

"The�'Star Trek'�franchise has for many years been an important and meaningful part of our culture in so many ways. This exciting concert experience featuring the greatest music and visuals spanning five decades will be an extraordinary and memorable event," said Justin Freer, Producer and Founder of CineConcerts.

"Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage" is produced by CineConcerts, known for its popular live to projection, symphonic concert experiences including "The Godfather," "Gladiator"�and soon to be premiered�"Breakfast at Tiffany's." Original content productions such as�"A Christmas Dream"�also tour internationally.

This lavish production includes an impressive live symphony orchestra and international special solo instruments. People of all ages and backgrounds will experience the franchise's groundbreaking and wildly popular musical achievements while the most iconic�"Star Trek"�film and TV footage is simultaneously beamed in high definition to a 40-foot wide screen.

The concert will feature some of the greatest music written for the franchise including music from�"Star Trek:�The Original Series," "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan," "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home," "Star Trek: Insurrection," "Star Trek: The Next Generation," "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," "Star Trek: Voyager"�and much more. This never-before-seen concert event is perfect for music lovers, filmgoers, science-fiction fans and anyone looking for an exciting and unique concert experience.

"When a story has renamed aircraft carriers, NASA space shuttles, and the first names of thousands of children in hundreds of countries, you realize these characters go beyond entertainment, but are more like family," said CineConcerts Co-Founder and Producer Brady Beaubien. "Star Trek breaks every boundary of judgment or expectation. It inspires, challenges, and re-thinks. Star Trek is who we want to be. Inspired, fiercely loyal, sometimes reckless."

"Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage" will be conducted by Justin Freer, who has quickly become one of the most sought-after conductors of film music with a long list of full symphonic live to projection projects under his belt ranging from the "Lord of the Rings Trilogy" to "The Godfather" to "Gladiator." He has appeared with some of the world's leading orchestras including the Chicago Symphony, Philadelphia Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony and Sydney Symphony.

CineConcerts is one of the leading producers of live music experiences performed with visual media. Founded by producer/conductor Justin Freer and producer Brady Beaubien, CineConcerts has engaged millions of people worldwide in concert presentations that redefine the evolution of live experience. From full-length movie screenings with live orchestra to music-interactive sporting event experiences to original 3D-environment holiday programming, CineConcerts is at the forefront of live entertainment.

Children under five will not be admitted to the theatre. All patrons must have a ticket, regardless of age.


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