Letter of Marque Empowers Women Theater Artists With 'Double Falsehood'


Letter of Marque Theater Company will host a series of satellite events designed to empower women theater artists and ignite conversation in conjunction with their production of William Shakespeare's and John Fletcher's "Double Falsehood," directed by Andrew Borthwick-Leslie, and playing a five-week limited engagement from Saturday, March 5th through Saturday, April 9th, 2015 at The Irondale Center, 85 S. Oxford St. in Brooklyn.

"Simply put, LoM has always been committed to making a change," shares Letter of Marque Co�Founder, Nolan Kennedy. "Making socially impactful theater has to go beyond just the actors' words, it needs to include the audience's' words, too. It's through community that we'll be able to really make a difference. These panels are a chance to engage the core issues of the play in an intellectual, progressive and immediate way."

Sat, Mar 19 at 6:30 p.m.; Sat, Mar 26 at 6:30 p.m.; and Sat, Apr 2 at 6:30 p.m.

FREE. RSVP at www.lomtheater.org/double-falsehood.html

On three Saturday's before performances, there will be Full Frontal Panels of experts discussing various aspects of the controversial play, focusing on three topics: the authenticity of Shakespeare (with renowned Bard expert, James Shapiro), how to create equality and safe spaces for women (with Brooklyn Council Member, Laurie Cumbo), and an all men's panel (with notable leader of the "consent culture" movement, Jonathan Kalin) to discuss how to establish a culture of consent.

Mon, Mar 21 at 7:30 p.m.; Mon, Mar 28 at 7:30 p.m.; Mon, Apr 4 at 7:30 p.m.
FREE. RSVP at www.lomtheater.org/double-falsehood.html

In addition to the panel discussions, LoM is partnering with the Lady Plays Podcast, which provides a platform for female storytellers to have their voices heard, to produce an Unstaged Reading Series. On select Mondays, three original plays written by college �aged women playwrights around the themes of "Double Falsehood" will have staged readings directed by prominent NYC women directors: Leese Walker (Strike Anywhere Performance Ensemble), Jessie Austrian (Fiasco Theater), and Danya Taymor (The Flea Theater, Theater for a New Audience).

"Women working in theatre often feel as if their work is undervalued in a patriarchal world" said Lady Plays Co-Producer Lynde Rosario."The female experience is one that has been ignored for far too long. We want to give insight into their creative process and spread awareness about women's fight to be heard artistically."

"Double Falsehood" follows two brave female protagonists, Violante and Leonora, and two contrasting leading men, Julio of honorable and modest birth, and Henriquez an aristocratic villain. The story starts with Henriquez, heir to the Duke Angelo of Spain, as he exploits his social privilege to scheme his way around beautiful women, greedy fathers and honorable brotherhoods, resulting in a disturbing yet enlightening tale of self-repentance and discovery within family, honor, madness, lust and relationships.

Letter of Marque Theater Company is a non-for-profit theater ensemble based in Brooklyn, NY.�A multifaceted team of actors, playwrights, musicians and dancers their work spans from original plays, to Shakespeare; from collaborations with other disciplines to stagings of classic literature; from cabarets to pirate trials.

Driven by a mission to produce new, re�imagined theater the crew functions as an ensemble to challenge the status quo by braving the seas of social change. Their goal is to reinstate Art as a cultural necessity by providing quality, dynamic theater at little to no cost to their audiences.

All events are free and will be held at The Irondale Center, 85 S. Oxford St, Brooklyn, NY 11217.

For tickets or information, visit http://www.lomtheater.org/double-falsehood.html or www.lomtheater.org


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