Reasonable Resolutions :: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Blake Beckcom READ TIME: 4 MIN.

Now that the last gift boxes have been put away and the holiday decorations are coming down, the New Year is upon us -- and, along with it, a new set of resolutions.

Before you get sucked into the stress of setting goals and deciding what type of healthier and fitter bandwagon to jump on, it's important to, first and foremost, establish solid groundwork. Doing so, ensures that you will set reasonable resolutions for yourself that can actually be achieved.

Seven out of ten resolutions don't work because come January 1, people think they can just flip on their body like a light switch. Right now, your "light switch" is off and it has been for months, most of the time for years, that you've not exercised, been eating unhealthily as well as being stressed out and having ingrained those bad habits into your life. As a human being, you can't just change your habits and emotions from "off" to "on" overnight.

To "switch up the odds" that may have been stacked against you and getting in the way of succeeding with your resolutions, make sure to include the following criteria into your planning. Doing so can set you up to successfully transform your health goals, ambitions and resolutions, creating a new lifestyle for the long-term.


Contrary to popular New Year approaches, resolutions shouldn't be an all-or-nothing method. The foundation for building successful resolutions that last for the long-term, relies on making incremental, realistic changes to your lifestyle on an ongoing basis.

For instance: Instead of saying that you're going to start working out and restricting all unhealthy food items all at once, a more successful approach would be to pick one goal to focus on for the first couple of weeks and then add the second goal only after you get a good handle on managing the first one. It is also important to realize, prepare and plan for, the bumps you will hit along the way to accomplishing your resolutions.

The best way to stay on course is to not worry about the past-it's already gone-or stress out about the future that's not here yet. Only think about today and focus on what steps you can take now to get closer to achieving your goals.

Within six to seven weeks, up to 70 percent of the people who make resolutions drop off. Putting too much on your plate causes added stress and when an obstacle is hit, like not working out for a few days, or having a bad day eating healthy, causes many to just give up. You have to give yourself enough time to work it all out and figure out how to break those bad habits. If done in small increments, it's less stressful and much more manageable... and, in time, small steps will equal big steps.


First of the year resolutions can have negative connotations associated with them and they can automatically place you in a negative mind set if they aren't approached appropriately. Turn the negativity associated with making resolutions-removing the food you enjoy, doing exercises you don't like-into a more positive experience by adapting your resolutions. Make them fit what you enjoy and what makes you happy.

For example: If want to start exercising next week, pick out something that you like to do first. Whether you enjoy bicycling, swimming, walking, doing aerobics classes or playing sports, focus on becoming consistent with one of your favorite activities. Eventually, after you've gotten into a more active routine, you can then branch out to try different workouts or activities when you're ready for a new challenge or adventure.

The same concept holds true with changing up your diet, as well. Rather than starting to eat healthy, cold turkey, and forcing yourself to eat foods that don't taste good to you, gradually wean yourself off your guilty indulgences - whether it's sodas, sweets or salty treats - until you eventually substitute all of your cravings with healthier alternatives that agree with your nutrition goals and your taste buds.


When you set out to make changes to who you are and the life you live, surround yourself with a strong support group who will accept the changes you want to make for yourself. People who will encourage you to do whatever it takes to successfully meet your goals. Personal support can come from anyone: a family member, friend, mentor or even a personal trainer. Someone who supports what you're doing and is available to turn to, when you need advice or guidance. The wrong group of people... will make those resolutions go right down the drain.


A healthy and fit lifestyle takes continuous effort and dedication. Having said that, it should take only about four weeks or so of doing all of your workouts, eating right and sticking to your resolutions, for you to start realizing results. They won't necessarily be as visible on the outside, but will involve feeling better inside, about the accomplishments you have achieved... and the person you are becoming.

Feeling better on the inside before you start seeing differences on the outside begins the journey. The key is staying at it consistently, building on those successes and not giving up. You will become proud of yourself and begin to feel confident in your abilities. You also will start to believe that what you're doing is really worth it. That's when the "Big Mo" kicks in-it's all about "momentum," baby!

by Blake Beckcom

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