Cruise Control: Where Fitness Begins

Joel Martens READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Fitness guru Jorge Cruise has been in the business of healthy living for a long time at this point. Reflecting that phenomenon are his numerous books, including these bestsellers: "8 Minutes in the Morning," "3-Hour Diet," and "The Belly Fat Cure" series, "The Aging Cure," "Inches Off! Your Tummy," "Happy Hormones, Slim Belly," "Stubborn Fat Gone!" and his latest, "Tiny and Full."

When it comes to what has motivated him over the years, Cruise was very clear about why and where it began. "When I was 18, my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and given one year to live. We looked at alternative options and discovered the healing effects of plant-based foods. My dad took wheat grass shots and drank green drinks-he ingested anything green. He is now 85 years old and still with us. I learned a lot through his experience and became interested in learning more about health and nutrition."

Exercise is a vital part of Cruise's evolving ideology, but as he emphatically shared with The Rage Monthly, "Fitness begins in the kitchen..." His teachings follow that train of logic, though over time, as with most things, his modalities have changed. "I've always prided myself on doing intense research and simplifying it for real life use. I was focused on a particular type of research for a time and while I still believe that method works, I have found what I believe to be better research that points to the benefits of a well-balanced, plant-based diet. I do tend to evolve my methods to make sure I am providing the best health and nutrition advice out there. There is so much research about the vegan diet and its benefits, but also about how unsustainable it is and how it lacks certain nutrients."

His latest book follows that sensibility with practical solutions. " 'Tiny and Full' is all about filling up on the least amount of calories. The best way to do that is with plant-based foods. However, I've found that eating only plant-based foods, or vegan, is not realistic for everyone and will leave you missing key nutrients like B12. This is why 'Tiny and Full' is all about 'waking up vegan' to keep you on the path. By focusing on plant-based foods, you start your day with the healthiest, most detoxifying food, which sets you up for the day. Adding small amounts of animal products like lean chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, etc., makes the lifestyle more sustainable."

When it comes to exercise, Cruise recommends the following: "A high intensity interval routine (HIIT) three times a week and doing 30 minutes of cardio like walking, jogging, swimming, etc. during the in between days. 30 minutes of brisk activity daily is vital, but the HIIT routines will also help get you toned and fit."


1. Trying to make too many big changes at once. People often try to make a huge overhaul in their diet... all at the same time! It's important to take small steps. Start with diet and then, once you have that down, add a fitness routine.

2. Skipping breakfast to lose weight. Always eat breakfast! It gets your metabolism going.

3. Not thinking about filling up on fewer calories. Focus on plant-based foods. Quick fixes like sugar-packed "health" bars will only leave you feeling hungry in an hour.

4. Not enough sleep. You won't lose weight without enough sleep. Sleep also affects your immune system and your overall health. Get at least seven hours a night.

5. Thinking you will achieve your goal in a short amount of time. It's about reasonable outcomes. It takes at least twelve weeks to see the results you want. Don't expect to lose all the weight in the first week or two.

Jorge Cruise is internationally recognized as a leading celebrity fit- ness trainer and is the #1 best-selling author with more than six million books in print. He is a contributor to The Steve Harvey Show, The Dr. Oz Show, Extra TV, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The Rachael Ray Show, Huffington Post, First for Women Magazine and the Costco Connection. For more information, go to or

by Joel Martens

Copyright Rage Monthly. For more articles from Rage visit

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