Clinton Campaign Vows to Pass Equality Act, Expand PrEP & End Ex-Gay Therapy


Looks like someone just lost the evangelical vote.

The presidential campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced far-reaching plans this week to fight AIDS and promote the rights of LGBT citizens at home. Clinton's plan, which takes on everything from employment discrimination to ex-gay therapy, aims to build off the Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage.

"As president, I will continue to fight so that LGBT Americans and families can live, work, and pray free of discrimination. I will not settle for anything less," Clinton said. "It is unacceptable that LGBT kids continue to be discriminated against and bullied at school, a restaurant can refuse to serve a transgender person, and a same-sex couple is at risk of being evicted from their home. We have to do better. And it's why I will continue to fight so every person and every family is treated with respect and dignity no matter who they are or who they love."

Among the items outlined in Clinton's push for full equality for LGBT Americans is her pledge to work with Congress to pass the comprehensive nondiscrimination Equality Act, which was introduced this year. She also promises to continue President Barack Obama's LGBT equality executive actions and extend Title VII protections to include "gender identity" and "sexual orientation."

Clinton's campaign promises are also good news for LGBT youth, parents, and elders. She plans to end discrimination for LGBT family adoptions, combat school bullying and place a national ban on gay "conversion therapy" for minors.

The Clinton plan also supports efforts to allow transgender personnel to serve openly in the military and correct the records of service members who were forced out of service before and during "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Transgender rights are also on Clinton's agenda. Her campaign plans to take on anti-trans violence and streamline identity documents for transgender Americans.

The fight against AIDS and fight for those living with HIV will also be a part of a Clinton presidency. She promises to take on price-gouging pharmaceutical companies and place a cap on out-of-pocket expenses for people living with HIV. She says she will increase the $125 million in grants by the Center for Disease Control to expand the use of HIV prevention medication including PrEP. Clinton is also calling on Republican governors to extend Medicaid coverage to provide life-saving health care for people living with HIV.

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