Chico's Angels Return with Episode #3: 'Chicas in Chains'


The summer is coming to a close sooner than we want! To celebrate, Chico's Angels have put back on their high heels to finish off the summer with two more weekends of episode #3: "Chicas In Chains." The two-week run begins on August 28 and runs through September 6 at the Cavern Club Theater inside Casita Del Campo Restaurant (1920 Hyperion Ave, Silverlake, CA). Tickets on sale at:

In "Chicas in Chains" after a high school streetwalker is murdered, Chico's Angels are hired to go undercover to find a witness at a local prep school. The Angels get so deep in the case that they end up in jail.

After gracing the stage for over 12 years, Chico's Angels are ready for the big screen! These heavenly beauties have started their own IndieGoGo page (! Chico's Angels are offering many perks for people who want to donate including, signed photos, poster and the chance to have Chico's Angels cook dinner for you and four of your closest amigos!

Chico's Angels consists of three beautiful and comedic Latina drag queens: Kay Sedia, "The Pretty One," Chita Parol "The Smart One" and Freida Laye "The Easy One," who work for pennies for their unseen boss. Think of the 70s series, "Charlie's Angels" starring a Latino Three Stooges in drag.

Chico's Angels aim to raise $300,000 in the next month, and hope to shoot their feature film in Spring 2016. Chico's Angels film is budgeted at $600,000 but with the hope to raise $300,000 which will show other potential investors that there is fan interest in seeing the project on the big screen.

Chico's Angels' "Chicas in Chains" is directed by Kurt Koehler. The show was co-created and co-written by Oscar Quintero and Kurt Koehler.

Check out Chico's Angels at where one can find out everything about these captivating detectives. The heavenly website contains weekly-updated Angel blogs, Angel bios, hot videos and on-fire merchandise, plus their three original mini-episodes.

Chico's Angels "24ish" mini-episode has toured the country in over twenty film festivals. "24ish" was nominated for best short in the San Francisco GLBT Film Festival, Frameline34. The Angels were also nominated for a Weho Award.

Chico's Angels' stage shows have been running in Los Angeles for 12 years and they have created a cult following in the Los Angeles area. Chico's Angels have four stage shows, an online web series which has had 1 million views, downloadable music on iTunes, plus hilarious music videos, and have been featured on TV and in magazines.

Chico's Angels have graced the covers of Adelante and Gay San Diego. They have been on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta," Style Network, E! Network; "KTLA Morning News," "San Diego Fox News"; KCPP; "Sheena Metals Show"; Frank Decaro; Sirius Radio; "The Baub Show";; Frontiers; Instinct;;;; TMZ. They have hosted many charity events as well as The Cybersocket Awards, The Switch Hitters Ball; Best in Drag Show; Los Angeles Gay Pride; San Diego Pride. They have also performed their stage show at The Onyx Theater in Las Vegas and The Diversionary Theater in San Diego.

"Chicas in Chains" runs Aug 27-Sept 6 at Cavern Club Theater inside Casita Del Campo Restaurant, 1920 Hyperion Ave, Los Angeles (Silverlake), CA. For more information and tickets, visit


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