Santorum Stands By Claim: SCOTUS Ruling 'Disrupts the Foundation of the World'


According to long-shot 2016 presidential hopeful Rick Santorum (R), there isn't anything about the disrupted foundation of the world that a little heterosexual marriage with children can't fix.

Although he's polling 12th among the 15 GOP hopefuls who have announced their candidacy for their party's 2016 nomination for president, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum took time out of his busy campaigning schedule to explain his recent statement that the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage "disrupts the foundation of the world."

"Over the last 40 years, we've seen a degradation of the nuclear family, no doubt about it," Santorum told host John Dickerson on CBS News' Sunday morning program "Face the Nation." "But this [the SCOTUS ruling in Obergefell v Hodges] further, I say, put the nail in the coffin that we now disconnect the nuclear family from the idea that it's there for the purpose of having and raising children."

"Marriage is no longer about kids. It's simply about adults," Santorum continued. "And I think that -- now that United States is a -- it's still the moral leader of the world, that we've now disconnected marriage from children, I think that has profound consequences for not just for America but for the world."

In a recent aggregate of four major news agency polls, Real Clear Politics puts Santorum 12th among the 15 announced GOP presidential hopefuls with 2.3 percent of likely voters supporting his bid.


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