Watch Glitter Shooting Penis in Safe-Sex PSA That's Causing a Stir in Norway


A giant glitter-ejaculating penis that is being used as part of a public service announcement used to promote safe sex is causing a stir in Norway where the PSA is being broadcast.

A 44-second clip called "Penis Can Surprise You" features a man dressed in a giant penis costume running around various locales, including a beach, a park bench and sidewalk caf�. The mammoth phallus sneaks up on his victims before spewing a stream of glitter confetti on its unsuspecting victims. The ad ends with a tagline: "Tiss kan overraske," or "This could surprise."

The PSA is the work of ad agency Involve! who were contracted by sex education charity RFSU to promote condom use. It was launched in response to a recent climb in chlamydia rates in Norway. According to AdWeek, the spot was a hit with young viewers who thought it was hilarious. AdWeek also points to criticism from the over-30 crowd who called the stunt "pointless and banal."

"If you're working with young people, humour is often the way to go, rather than using scare tactics," spokeswoman�Christina Placht told Newsweek. "There is a simple yet serious message behind it. We have to get more people using condoms in Norway."

Playing the role of the giant penis in the ad is 19-year-old Norwegian student Philip van Eck who was hired because he was tall enough to fit inside the giant phallus.

"If I can do a good thing for others, just by being a dick, there is nothing better," van Eck told T�nsberg Blad.


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