One Million Moms Comes Out Against the Girl Scouts

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

One Million Moms (OMM), the media watchdog arm of the anti-gay hate group American Family Association (AFA), took a break from patrolling the airwaves this week to attack an American institution -- the Girl Scouts of America (GSA).

In their latest action alert, OMM is calling on its 70,000 members to sign a petition demanding that the 103-year-old institution abandon its policy of admitting transgender girls into its ranks.

Citing the GSA website that says that membership is open to any child who is "recognized by the family and school/community as a girl and lives culturally as a girl," OMM is warning its members that "the organization will be forced to recognize and accept transgenderism as a normal lifestyle," which "will put young innocent girls at risk."

Their petition reads:

As a fellow American and one who admires what scouting has done for generations of young women and their communities, I urge you to rescind the GSA policy that allows transgender boys to become members. This policy undermines the trust that parents place in the GSA's leadership to make wise decisions and the obligation the GSA has to protect their daughters.

Please, stop listening to the few individuals who would use young boys as pawns in the culture war and destroy this organization in the process of advancing their social agenda.

The GSA has the constitutional right to govern and restrict its youth membership only to biological girls...and for the sake of its future, it should.

Constitutional right? A search of the United States Constitution shows no mention of the girl scouts, boy scouts or any other such scouting organization.

OMM's action alert against the GSA is the latest assault from the religious right against the scouting organization. In 2013, ' target='_blank'>EDGE reported that Christian radio hosts Kevin Swanson and Dave Buehner of Generations Radio are urged their followers not to purchase Girl Scout Cookies on the grounds that the service organization promotes lesbianism and abortion.

"The individualism of feminism has been devastating to this country. I'd say you ought to say no to the Girl Scout cookies too," said Swanson in a broadcast on his Internet radio station. "I don't want to support lesbianism, I don't want to support Planned Parenthood and I don't want to support abortion, and if that be the case I'm not buying Girl Scout cookies."

In the past two decades "Christian" alternative organizations like the Frontier Girls and American Heritage Girls have popped up in response to what the religious right has considered a lack or patriotism and traditional values missing in the GSA.

As of this writing, of the 70,000 members that One Million Moms has contacted about the GSA, only 5,500 have signed the petition.

by Bobby McGuire

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