Man Silences Anti-Gay Subway Preacher With a Show Tune


Oompa Loompa Doopity-doo.

A New York man proved this week that the show tune is mightier than the sword, when he silenced an anti-gay subway preacher verbally attacking a lesbian couple and their child by drowning out the prosthelytizer's vitriol with a rousing rendition of "I've Got a Golden Ticket" from the beloved musical film, "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."

"I was riding the M train in from Bushwick when this man (who I've seen bothering riders before) begins preaching to passengers," Rob Maiale told BuzzFeed. "Initially he was going on about fornication, okay fine. Then he started denouncing same-sex relationships. It's an unpopular opinion in New York and it irritated me a bit, but I understand First Amendment rights, and didn't say anything.

"Then, his 'preaching' shifted from a broad audience to a lesbian couple with their child," he continued. "Asking, 'What are you going to tell that child when he asks why you're living in sin and going to go to hell?' I decided that this guy wasn't going to get to talk anymore."

Maiale sprung into action by bursting out into song. His weapon of choice - "I've Got a Golden Ticket" from the 1971 musical film "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." Although the key Maiale chose to use to silence the preacher was arguably too high for his baritone voice, what he lacked in vocal range, he more than made up with in sprite choreography that included a high bell-kick executed with the assistance of a subway pole.

"I myself am neither religious, nor gay," Maiale said. "But if you want to live in this city, you need to learn how to be civil."

After Maiale's impromptu concert was over, the NYPD arrived and escorted the preacher off the train.


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