Teen Becomes First Transgender Justin Bieber Lookalike

Winnie McCroy READ TIME: 2 MIN.

A transgender teen from Wigan in the UK is believed to be the world's first Justin Beiber lookalike. The UK Daily Mail reports that 17-year-old Blake Kerwin said he has dealt with abuse and bullying around his decision to switch gender by spending hours studying Beiber's affectations and making them his own.

After five years of abuse including being beaten unconscious, having his house pelted with rocks and poles, and even a suicide attempt, Kerwin said he felt an immediate connection with the singer and his lyrics when he was 12, and that "I've had physical abuse and hate but Justin's words bring me back up again."

Kerwin's mother Sharon said that she noticed early that he wasn't like the other girls, because he wasn't happy dressed in girly clothes with his hair done. "Even then he would come home and take the girl clothes off an put on football, Manchester United, stuff."

"I was born a boy but my body reflects differently because I've not had the op yet," Kerwin told the Daily Mail. "I knew at quite a young age because I was always copying my brother and doing what he was doing and I just didn't feel right."

The mother has been supportive, pointing out the resemblance between Beiber when Kerwin cut his hair short, which inspired him to begin perfecting the likeness. The Mail reports that the boy closely studied Bieber's videos and interviews to memorize his mannerisms. He spent hundreds of pounds on clothing to find versions of Bieber's outfits. He has since been mistaken for the real Bieber.

"I've had my shades on and my hat backwards and went into Blackpool and a small girl came up and her mum asked if she could have her picture taken with me because she thought I really was Justin Bieber," said Kerwin. "And when I went to Birmingham, these girls on the escalators were going crazy because they thought I was him."

But the father has not been supportive; Blake said he has not seen him for two years, since he came out as transgender at 16 and changed his name by deed pool.

"It's been terrible with my dad," said Kerwin. "He used to call my by my own name and not Blake and he's not got me anything for my birthday or Christmas. We don't see each other anymore. He's got a new girlfriend. He's asked my mum why I don't dress more girly and told her it's embarrassing to be seen out with me."

Loudest Gist reports that Kerwin, who is studying public services at college, has tried to make a career as a lookalike, aiming to land jobs either modeling as Bieber or performing at kids' parties.

He has passed the psychological evaluation needed to undergo gender reassignment surgery, and is scheduled to begin taking testosterone. He hopes that this, combined with weightlifting and some tattoos, will make him look more like Beiber.

by Winnie McCroy , EDGE Editor

Winnie McCroy is the Women on the EDGE Editor, HIV/Health Editor, and Assistant Entertainment Editor for EDGE Media Network, handling all women's news, HIV health stories and theater reviews throughout the U.S. She has contributed to other publications, including The Village Voice, Gay City News, Chelsea Now and The Advocate, and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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