NOM Leader Slams Out Republican Politician for Holding Hands With Partner

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Brian Brown, the head of the National Organization for Marriage took to the group's blog Thursday to call out openly gay Republican San Diego politician Carl DeMaio for holding his partner's hand during a gay pride.

Brown's post begins:

"It's a beautiful summer day in southern California. Throngs of people line streets as paraders march by. They include transvestite brides (men in wedding gowns) who strut their stuff. Nearby a float with bare-chested, heavily muscled men in tight underwear that leaves nothing to the imagination hold hands and dance on a rolling stage as rainbow flags fly behind them. Not far away women kiss other women and tattooed men embrace, pulling their half-naked bodies tight to each other. A confused-looking child watches this scene unfold as she holds a 'we celebrate diversity' sign, not exactly the type of plaything we'd expect innocent youngster to cling to."

Brown then adds, referring to DeMaio: "In their midst the candidate walks down the street holding the hand of his gay lover. He waves at the crowd and smiles approvingly. These are his people, and he is at home."

He then goes on to call DeMaio a "homosexual activist who calls himself a Republican. And he wants to be a Member of Congress."

DeMaio is running California's 52nd congressional district again incumbent Democrat Scott Peters. DeMaio served one term as a member of the San Diego City Council from 2008 to 2012 and then ran for mayor, but lost against then-Congressman Bob Filner.

Despite being openly gay, DeMaio was not popular among LGBT voters during the mayoral election.

"Angered by his reticence on gay issues and his acceptance of campaign donations from backers of Proposition 8, California's 2008 ban on same-sex marriage, parts of the crowd booed Mr. DeMaio at a mayoral debate... He was booed again as he walked hand in hand with his partner in [the 2012] gay pride parade," the New York Times wrote.

Nevertheless, Brown continues to lambast DeMaio for not being Republican enough.

"Carl DeMaio claims to be 'one of us' but his vision of America is very different from ours," Brown writes. "He comes from an environment where sexual morality is a thing of the past, where children are indoctrinated into questioning their own sexuality, where gender is considered fluid but sexual orientation is fixed, and where a candidate who supports abortion, gay 'marriage,' gun control and medical marijuana can call himself a conservative - and a 'reformer.'"

"You see, unless you and I do something about it, it's very likely that Carl DeMaio could win the primary election and go on to defeat the incumbent Democrat in one of California's most competitive house races this year," Brown concludes.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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