Debate on Indiana Gay Marriage Set for Franklin College

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Former Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Randall Shepard will moderate a debate on the state's proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

The debate is scheduled for Jan. 13 at Franklin College, a private central Indiana liberal arts college about 20 miles south of Indianapolis. The debate will be between American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana Executive Director Jane Henegar and Indiana Family Institute President Curt Smith.

Shepard says he hopes the debate will give the people of Indiana a better understanding of the contentious issue.

The Indiana General Assembly reconvenes Jan. 6. State lawmakers are expected to take up a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, civil unions and benefits for same-sex couples. If approved, the proposed ban would be subject to a statewide referendum.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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