Did Facebook Ban Gay Porn Star For Kissing His Husband?

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 3 MIN.

(Warning: This story has some NSFW links)

A gay porn model claims Facebook administrators temporarily banned him from the social media website after posting a picture of him kissing his husband, the Huffington Post reports.

Adult film actor Jesse Jackman went on a Twitter rant Tuesday, claiming Facebook blocked his account over a photo that showed him planting a wet one on his husband, Dirk Caber, who is also a gay porn performer. Jackman posted a screen cap of his photo and Facebook's message, which reads, "We Removed Something Your Page Posted."

"I've just been banned from Facebook for 12 hours for posting THIS. WHAT A FUCKING TRAVESTY," the Boston-based porn star wrote on Twitter.

According to his Twitter account, he posted the photo on Oct. 8., which was allegedly hit by a number of anti-gay comments, and even death threats, from other Facebook users.

"Got my first death threat today! I've finally arrived! All b/c I posted a pic of me & @DirkCaber kissing at the gym," he wrote on Twitter.

On Oct. 9, Jackman claims Facebook took the image down and then temporally suspended him because he apparently violated the site's rules, San Francisco Blog SFist reports.

The porn star spoke with the blog about the incident and said he "received multiple public death threats after posting this photo, endured countless homophobic slurs, and received dozens upon dozens of hate-filled messages, and yet Facebook did nothing about those disgusting comments, choosing to censor love instead of hate."

He also posted a screen cap of a death threat to his Twitter account, saying "Here's just 1 of dozens of hateful comments I got before my pic was removed. THIS is why we can't give up the fight."

The comment reads:

"Yall look like yall should be beating eachother ass not licking eachother ass you homos...," the comment reads. "hope yall page get deleted cuz this shit is r rated and kids be on facebook...what kind of message r u trying to send that its ok to be gay...sorry but its not and it never will be so go kill yourself and stop breathing heterosexual air cuz you don't deserve it...faggots...this shit is too gay."

HuffPo reports Jackman's Facebook is up and running and that a spokesperson from the site said officials are looking into the problem.

"I'm back! And I'm exhausted. It's been a long day," Jackman wrote on Facebook. "But... rest assured... I will have something VERY special to share with you guys in the morning. Stay tuned and sleep well. LOVE IS LOVE."

Now that some time has gone by, it looks as though Jackman's spirits are up:"To celebrate this ordeal's happy ending, I just posted SIXTEEN new photos of me & @DirkCaber kissing to my FB page :)," he tweeted.

Check out his take on the entire story over at his blog (NSFW).

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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