SCOTUS YouTube Round-Up: The Religious Right Reacts


The Supreme Court's Rulings on Proposition 8 and DOMA set shockwaves through the religious right today. Conservative lawmakers and pundits wasted no time weighing in with their outrage. Press play at your own risk. It get's pretty crazy in here.

Rush Limbaugh SCOTUS Marriage Rulings Part Of 'The Disintegration of the United States"

Tony Perkins Wonders If We're Becoming Sodom and Gomorrah

Fischer: Anti-Gay Activists Now Second Class Citizens

Staver: DOMA Decision Like Redefining Gravity

AFA: DOMA Ruling Anti-God, Gays Will Crush Christians

FOX News: Heritage Foundation's Ryan Anderson on Same Sex Marriage Rulings

Gohmert: Gay Marriage Signals Collapse of Civilization

Glenn Beck and Rand Paul Wonder If Gay Marriage Rulings Will Lead To Polygamy

Rob Schenck of the Evangelical Church Alliance says the Supreme Court has no authority when it comes to the nature of marriage


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