Now It's Just Morabito: DJ Unveils New Sound April 11 in L.A.

Steve Weinstein READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Susan Morabito has long been one of the most revered DJs on the gay scene. Having played nearly every major party and club across the country and abroad, she has become famous for her signature all-night "journey" of African-inflected music and beatmixing skills that keep the crowds on the dance floor.

Call her "Morabito."

In a signal that she is changing her sound, the New York-based DJ is now going by a single name. But that is only the beginning of the new Morabito.

Actually, it's only the most recent time that Morabito has re-invented herself.

"I've always evolved," she said in a recent interview. "Over past several years, I'm been evolving. The problem is, people don't realize it. Because I was so popular in '90s and early '00s, many people in their minds won't let me out of the box."

They associate her with what she calls a "typical Fire Island sound or classics; also tea dances. It's a problem I've been running into," she complained. "My musical spectrum always been very broad. But when I do a tea or classics dance, it validates people's impressions of me. People don't think I've evolved enough. People who know only from what they've heard about me."

Hence, the name change. Also, a new website, new logo and new look -- "All," she said, "to send a message that there has been a clear, clean cut with the past and I'm moving forward. Listen to me, give me a chance, listen to what I'm doing now."

Giving More Tribal to Her Tribe
Morabito doesn't want to lose her old audience, but, she warned, they had better be prepared to go along with her on her new musical journeys.

"It's their choice whether they want to be left behind," she said. "As an artist, I want to go forward. Those of my old audience that want to hear a particular sound, well, maybe some of them don't go out enough. They pick and choose when they go out, but more importantly, an artist who wants to be part of the scene today has to evolve. And I want to evolve."

Her new sound incorporates more techno and tribal. Actually, that's really not such a radical break with her past. Nor does it mean audiences can expect the soulless experience that all too often is associated with the techno and tribal labels.

"An electronica sound has been the essence of my 30 years of experience," she said. "Yes, there's going to be electronica, but there's also musicality in what I'm playing.

The new sound has been weaving its way in and out of her spinning for the past few years at least. "My core following was already getting used to the change," she said. But the new website, name and look are meant to signify a definite break with the past.

Experience It at Circus
All of this will become clear to those Southern Californians who come to Mometnum at the revamped Circus Disco. The club features a new thundering, enhanced EAW Avalon sound system, upgraded lighting and new decor.

The party starts at 9 p.m. with DJ Alex Acosta from Mexico. Best of all, tickets start at only $15 at PowerZone in West Hollywood, with tickets only $20 at the door.

Go to producers Ray's and Dante's website or to the the event website for more information or to get a ticket to experience this once-in-a-lifetime event.

by Steve Weinstein

Steve Weinstein has been a regular correspondent for the International Herald Tribune, the Advocate, the Village Voice and Out. He has been covering the AIDS crisis since the early '80s, when he began his career. He is the author of "The Q Guide to Fire Island" (Alyson, 2007).

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