Ann Coulter should (fill in the blank)

Robert Nesti READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Ann Coulter, the incendiary conservative pundit with an Adam's apple, managed to be offensive on many levels last night when she tweeted about Sandra Fluke's appearance at the Democratic National Convention.

Fluke is the feminist activist who gained celebrity when a Republican-controlled House committee refused to allow her to testify on exceptions to birth control earlier this year. Conservative radio hosts immediately lambasted her, most notably Rush Limbaugh who called her a "slut" and a "prostitute" because she mandated health insurers to cover contraceptive costs.

Her appearance was moved to the 10 o'clock hour last night so her comments would be heard in prime time on the major networks. (Many, though, didn't pick up the broadcast until President Clinton appeared at 10:30 pm.)

Before her appearance, Coulter tweeted: "Bill Clinton just impregnated Sandra Fluke backstage.."

The Huff Post report continued:

"When a follower responded to Coulter, asking if Fluke was "the most exciting speaker at the DNC tonight," Coulter responded, 'They're spicing things up with a live abortion on stage!'

"Coulter has gone after Fluke in the past. She called her a 'hysterical drama queen' in a March 2012 interview after Rush Limbaugh attacked the student for advocating for insurance-covered contraception."

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field below.

by Robert Nesti , EDGE National Arts & Entertainment Editor

Robert Nesti can be reached at

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