Ask the Doc :: Penis Size

Jason Faulhaber, M.D. READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Dear Doctor Jason,

OK, once and for all: what is normal penis size?

Signed, Gimme the Facts

Doctor Jason's Response:

Ahhhhh, the age-old question of "Am I big enough?"

As per recorded standards in the medical literature, the average length of a stretched penis, measured from the base (where the pelvic bone is) to the tip, is approximately 5.25 inches. The "normal" range--meaning that 90% of the population falls into this range--is 4 to 6.5 inches.

The proper way to measure is by stretching, not pulling, the penis to the extended length where there is no laxity in skin, but not to the point where the skin is being overstretched. During erection, the skin actually becomes overstretched, and so the length may be a bit more than the stretched measurement. Continued overstretching, however, does not ultimately increase the overall length.

As per standards in porn, the average would seem to be much much bigger - but perhaps a dose of realism will help alleviate any sense of inadequacy you're feeling. Besides, it's not the size of the tool, it's how you use it.

Stay healthy,
Doctor Jason

by Jason Faulhaber, M.D.

Dr. Faulhaber is a graduate of Tulane University in Psychology and Cellular and Molecular Biology and received his medical degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He performed his residency training in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Saint Vincent's Hospital in Manhattan, where he then served as a Chief Resident in Internal Medicine. He completed his fellowship in Infectious Diseases at New York University, where he specialized in HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, and fungal infections. Since fellowship, he has been working as an Internal Medicine/Infectious Diseases physician at Fenway Community Health in Boston. He is a Clinical Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and he is affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He has been the lead author or co-author of several journal articles and textbook chapters on infections with HIV, other viruses, bacteria, and fungi. He is also accredited by the American Academy of HIV Medicine.

This story is part of our special report: "Ask the Doc". Want to read more? Here's the full list.


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