Listen Up :: Christina Aguilera, Ru Paul, Ricky Martin

David Foucher READ TIME: 2 MIN.

"This person [Lady Gaga] was just brought to my attention not too long ago. I'm not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don't know if it is a man or a woman." These words spoken to the Los Angeles Times back in 2008 (after she was accused of copping Gaga's look during her performance at that year's MTV Music Video Awards) have come back to haunt Christina Aguilera. The irony, of course, is on Aguilera's latest effort "Not Myself Tonight," where she's clearly been schooled on the Haus of Gaga and (perhaps wisely) has decided to take a bite off her sound. No, Aguilera is not herself tonight, she's a Lady Gaga-ish "person," instead! (With a hint of Britney in the Blackout album and Justin Timberlake in "SexyBack," too). But hey, since Gaga epitomizes pop music at the moment, we don't blame Aguilera for wanting a slice of the synth-pop action. The track's fun-night-on-the-town, party feel, thanks to writer Ester Dean (Rihanna's "Rude Boy") and producer Polow Da Don (Fergie's "London Bridge") will definitely see it bumping at a club near you all summer long. Aguilera rightfully christened it on Ryan Seacrest's show as "Dirrty 2.0," and it's the lead single for her upcoming album, Bionic (coming June 8). We're predicting it will be a sizable hit-though perhaps not a monster hit like that other certain "person" brought to our attention.

A good gender bender on our mind, RuPaul's Drag Race has sped into a successful second season of campy fun. As a "Supermodel" dance sensation and drag inspiration, RuPaul smartly made her 2009 album, Champion, the soundtrack to the show. And as this season kicks into full-on stiletto mode, it's the perfect time for a Drag Race remix album of Champion's songs, including some winners by Macutchi, Matt Moss, RevoLucian, BunJoe, Joe Carrano and Chris Thomas.

Speaking of queens in music, we're happy Ricky Martin finally came out, and in such an elegant fashion (as opposed to the George Michael caught-you-in-the-men's-room kind of fashion). While it's definitely no surprise to anyone that the "Shake Your Bon-Bon" singer is gay (save a few Puerto Rican grandmothers), it's always a cause for celebration when a high-profile entertainer (or anyone for that matter) owns who he or she is. The media savvy, however, question the timing. Some press for his new memoirs? Just trying to buoy his sinking career? It's easier to come out when nobody's sniffing around the closet! And as a friend of ours put it, "Now he can start accepting awards at gay fundraisers for the jack s*** he's done for us in the past four decades!" Ouch! Well, we still love and commend the muy guapo crooner. And at least no one's saying they're not quite sure if he's a man or a woman...

by David Foucher , EDGE Publisher

David Foucher is the CEO of the EDGE Media Network and Pride Labs LLC, is a member of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalist Association, and is accredited with the Online Society of Film Critics. David lives with his daughter in Dedham MA.

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